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Trevor Clark : Doing more with less

Photographer Trevor Clark and his wife decided to embark on a journey to a simpler life at the end of 2013. Like many, they had reached their tipping point. They overhauled their life with a year of determined focus.

“2013 was a tough year for my wife and I.  We both lost a number of family members and friends, I had an injury and ensuing surgery that took me out of the workforce for nine months, my wife was ill with unknown stomach problems for about six of those months, and she was stuck in a job and career that did not make her happy.  To boot, you can imagine the kinds of financial problems this created for us.

El Guapo

Their home, El Guapo, a Sportsmobile custom camper van.

In our typical fashion, by the end of 2013, we were both scheming up new plans to live our lives a bit more on our terms.  We were tired of feeling stuck with some of the decisions we had made, and also recognized that life is short, and we weren’t approaching it the way we had in the past, or in the manner that would honor the memory of our lost pals and family members.

And so began 2014, the year of doing more with less.” Continue reading about their journey and the steps they took to live the life they wanted here.

Feature image by Trevor Clark.

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