18 Feb 8 zero-waste, minimalism, or plastic free online shops
The average American produces about 4.4 pounds of trash each day, and the majority of it ends up in landfills where it doesn’t biodegrade. Landfills prevent decomposition by blocking the air and water needed for materials to decay. Unfortunately, plastic is especially non-biodegradable and the vast majority of the plastic produced isn’t recycled.
A great way to help reduce our impact is to buy reusable products from stores that use as little packaging as possible. Here are eight zero-waste, minimalist, or package-free shopping sites to consider.
Life without plastic’s mission is to raise awareness on the health and environmental problems posed by plastics while making the solutions more accessible, and empowering people to be part of the change.
Imagine zero-waste versions of your everyday essentials from all your favorite brands. That’s Loop. Why own a product’s packaging (and have to throw it away when you’re done), when all you really want is the stuff inside? With Loop, temporarily place a 100% refundable deposit to borrow the packaging, and they’ll professionally clean and reuse it once you’re finished.
Package Free is an ecosystem of brands on a mission to make the world less trashy. They believe that access to sustainable products and resources that positively benefit people and the planet is a basic human right. The goal is to reshape the consumer product landscape, redefine what a truly good product looks like, and make natural and plastic-free products more accessible, affordable, and convenient for all.
Well Earth Goods wants to share their passion with others by providing quality products that support a minimalist, waste-free lifestyle for all ages and help keep the earth well.
Wild Minimalist was started to make it easier for people to begin their journey towards a zero-waste lifestyle. Passionate about reducing single-use plastic, they’re proud to join you on your journey to zero waste by vetting the best quality products, partnering with sustainable businesses, and shipping purchases in recyclable or compostable packaging.
ZERO Market was born from the frustrating lack of options that are package-free or with lower impact. Living a zero-waste lifestyle should not be inconvenient in this disposable society that we are living in, so they put together a store that holds over 1200 products to help you live your life with less waste.
Minimizing waste and helping the environment should be fun. Nobody is perfect, and it’s very difficult to live a completely zero-waste lifestyle, but if we strive to come as close as possible, together we can make a difference with Zero Waste Cartel!
Zero Waste Store is your trusted platform for sustainable brands, and a community of individuals making a positive impact on our planet. Everything on our planet is intricately interconnected, and the environment that we depend on to survive is impacted by each one of us, and every action (and inaction) we take. Conventional consumer products are creating an unsustainable amount of waste, and exacerbate the environmental problems that potentially threaten life on the planet as we know it. We can’t afford to ignore the bigger problem at hand with consumerism any longer. We must rethink the way we consume.
Know of another great resource? Drop it in the comments, thanks!
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