19 Dec Recycle old paint
Most of us know that shopping local is the way to go, but sometimes I get surprised by just how great it is. I stopped into my town’s building supply store for some stain to match a cabinet door. The sales woman opened the stain, tested it on a piece of wood so we could get a real-life comparison of the new wood to the current door, then gave me tips on application and drytime. I just don’t get that kind of service in a big box store, but here’s the part that surprised me.
While she was going through the process, I wondered if they’d be interested in an stain can I had used very little of and didn’t need anymore, so I asked her if they’d want it.
“Oh, you can bring that and any old paint you have to be recycled. We collect it right there.” She said, pointing behind me to a shopping cart filled with paint.
It took me a minute to get over the sheer awesomeness and collect my thoughts enough to snap a picture. Get to know your local hardware/lumber/builder supply store. They’re good people.
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